[BTS #5] How Much Will This Course Cost?

Welcome to the 5th edition of The Songwriting Habit behind-the-scenes newsletter. Yesterday, I shared tech tools you’ll need to successfully implement what I’ll be teaching in this course.

Today, I want to be direct about the course cost.

If you’re like me, you get annoyed by sales pages that make you scroll forever to finally get to the bottom. On the way, they claim the course is $14,000, but today, for a limited time, it’s actually only $97.

So, I’ll cut to the chase – I’m crafting the best tool to help you consistently write songs amidst life’s chaos, and it will be priced at $150.

As a thank-you for being on this waiting list, I’ll discount the course to $97 for the first week.

This course won’t have bells and whistles, templates, and 47 modules that take a year to complete. Your time and energy are limited, and that’s why you’re here. Instead, this course will be straightforward with lessons you can complete and start implementing right away. In its entirety, it should take less than 3 hours.

Sound good?

That’s it for this week. Thanks for reading, and I’ll see you next soon with another BTS newsletter!
