The Wedding Ring Hack

You probably have a method for capturing your ideas in the moment–whether it’s your phone, a recipe card, or a Moleskine notebook–but sometimes that method doesn’t work. For me, the combination of hot water on my scalp and the scent of shampoo often sparks creativity.

If you wear a wedding ring–or any ring, for that matter–there’s a simple trick you can use to help remember your ideas. This isn’t a novel trick; many people use it to remember everyday tasks, such as taking out the trash or paying utility bills. While I also use it for tasks like that, I find it works for remembering song ideas as well.

How It Works

Repeat your song idea in your head while moving your wedding band from your ring finger to your middle finger (or whichever one fits best). If you don’t wear a wedding ring, any ring will do; you can simply move it to a bare finger.

Why Do This?

This is effective because it feels unnatural to wear a ring on a different finger. It takes a couple of days for your finger to get used to it, and you will associate that discomfort with the song idea. Once you’ve recorded the idea–whether on paper or in your Notes app–you can move the ring back to its original position.