
This is where I share my process along with things I’ve found helpful.

Caleb asks, “Do you ever get discouraged when you hear music by a songwriter/musician you think is great? If so, what do you do with that feeling?”

Absolutely. Back in 2003, I first heard Damien Rice’s debut album, O, in a friend’s car. I was devastated, thinking he was doing exactly what I wanted to do, but better. I felt depressed for a while, but then I grew to appreciate his work and use it as inspiration. I even incorporated elements inspired by […]

Caleb asks, “Do you ever get discouraged when you hear music by a songwriter/musician you think is great? If so, what do you do with that feeling?” Read More »

Keeth asks, “How many songs have you written? How many partially completed songs have you written?”

Hi Keeth, Great questions! I wasn’t sure how many songs I’ve written—I’ve referenced 800 before—but I checked my PRO (ASCAP) today, December 3, 2024. It looks like I’ve written 1,024 songs (registered), which is more than I thought. There are likely 50 to 100 that I haven’t submitted because I was probably ashamed of them.

Keeth asks, “How many songs have you written? How many partially completed songs have you written?” Read More »

The Calendar Hack

First of all, do you keep a calendar? Do you stick to it? Is “songwriting” on there? Every morning at the same time each day, “solo songwriting” is written on my calendar. I almost never write songs just because I feel like it. I do it because it’s on my calendar. You might be thinking,

The Calendar Hack Read More »