
AMA: “How do you balance your musical adventures with home life?” -Alex

Hi Aaron, Mine is somewhat of a loaded question, but I have always wondered how great independent artists like yourself balance your musical adventures with family life or as some people say “being a grown up” and paying bills etc. while trying to persue a dream. Thanks,Alex Alex, I love loaded questions! 🙂 This is

AMA: “How do you balance your musical adventures with home life?” -Alex Read More »

AMA: “What does your family think of your music and career?” -Rochelle

Hi Aaron! What does your family think of your music and career? Rochelle Hi Rochelle – I’m assuming you mean my wife and kids, and maybe my parents and siblings? Ok, here goes… My wife Heidi is the one who believes in me most. Whenever I’m doubting myself, she helps bring me back. I wouldn’t

AMA: “What does your family think of your music and career?” -Rochelle Read More »

On Songwriting: Shushing

Songwriting is mostly shushing. You gotta shush people in your head for a good hour or two. “Dumb idea,” says one.“Shush!” you say.“Stupid,” says another.“Shush.” There are about fifteen or so people badmouthing you and they look like your mom and dad. They look like the kid who sat behind you in math class and

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On Songwriting: Is Your Song Any Good?

Is this song any good? That’s a question songwriters ask themselves a lot. But “good” is subjective. What’s less subjective is knowing whether your song is remarkable. Remarkable is the thing you’re after as a songwriter. What do I mean by “remarkable”? I mean someone, of their own volition, remarking about your song. This can’t

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