Five Projects I’m Working on This Year

Every morning I write down to spend at least 20 minutes working on CA, KA, SB, P, and S. Here’s what they stand for.

1. A concept album (CA) about my hometown. It will likely have no commercial appeal. The songs are too specific in nature. One’s about a nursing home. One’s about Amway. These are things that interest me. And I like exploring memories that have stuck with me, and figuring out why they might be relatable to you, regardless of your background.

2. A kids album (KA). As you know, I started this a few years ago. But this winter I teamed up with my friend Neil Mason (The Cadillac Three) to help make it a better project. I think you’re going to like the result. We’re getting close!

3. A book about songwriting (SB). Last year I started writing down every problem that came up in songwriting, whether it was a problem I was experiencing or someone else. I think it’s going to be a practical book but one that doesn’t get too detailed or technical. It’s likely going to be for intermediate and advanced songwriters. But I think a lot of the concepts apply to any kind of creative work someone is serious about.

4. Painting (P). Last year my kids and I started watching Bob Ross in the afternoons in quarantine. The more I watched the more I couldn’t stop watching. Painting and songwriting are so alike! Light and dark, contrast, tonal values, warm and cool—saying one thing, and being aware of your audience, leading them toward a focal point. Anyway, after Bob Ross, I started diving deep into watercolor. I’m not ready to share anything yet. I’m just trying to get better, and mainly have fun. But painting has been a big part of my life these last six months and I think it’s going to continue to be, so that’s why I’m telling you here. (Also if you have any interest in starting painting, you should!)

5. Singles (S). While I’m working on all of the above, I’m going to try keep you happy with fresh music on your favorite platform. Some will be songs you’ve previewed via the Secret Songs Club, but others will be brand new.

Thanks for being a part of this. Let me know if you have any questions or just want to say hello. Always love hearing from you!
