[#013] “Beyond the Sun”

Single (2015)
Spotify | Apple Music | YouTube

ABOUT: I was on my way to meet my friend Claire for our cowriting session one day when I drove past a billboard for Grey Goose vodka. The sign said, β€œFly beyond.”

I brought it up to Claire as a prompt to start us off. She liked it as an idea but felt it begs the question, β€œFly beyond what?” She then said, β€œHow about the sun?”

From there, we wrote a song called, β€œBeyond the Sun,” which eventually was recorded by Lennon Stella for the TV Series Nashville.

FUN FACT: My oldest son Silas was three at the time I was recording this. Sometimes he’d be in my studio. I’d get distracted, leave him unsupervised. After the release of this song, I discovered something: He had turned the low-frequency knob that fed into my headset and studio monitors way up, from 12 o’clock to 3 o’clock. I had mixed, mastered, and released this song with it like that. So what, you ask? Since I compensated for all the low-end frequencies, the mix you hear has almost none. Since nobody seemed to notice, or at least didn’t say anything, I left it like that.